
harbor springs church of christ


City Hall
160 Zoll St.
Harbor Springs, MI 49740

Visting Preachers

Jerry Robertson
Mike James
Matthew French
Jim Myers
Ron Gean

Valerie Hosea

Ladies Bible Studies – Personal or Group Study



'We teach the word of God. Preaching the gospel is primary. We are dedicated to using only the Bible as our rule and guide in the practice of our Christian faith. This means that God's Word is what guides our worship, moral code, organization and overall direction in life. 

II Timothy 3:16

The good news (Gospel) is that because God is kind (Grace), He sent Jesus to pay the price of death for our sins and we can be forgiven of these by believing (faith) in Him. This is the good news, this is the plan of salvation.
John 3:16

Grace is free but compels action on our part to demonstrate our faith in Jesus Christ through baptism. I Peter 3:21

Please contact us and let us share the good new with you!'